We are in the planning stages so stay tuned for updates and calls for your help. It is because of our member volunteers that that previous Learn to Row Day events have been so successful!
LBRA Spring Racing Camp
Featuring Guest Coach Linda Muri
April 13-15, 2018
Who: Anyone intending to race in the 2018 sprint season, at such events as Gold Rush (Lake Natoma), Southwest Regionals (Long Beach), Masters Nationals (Lake Merritt), or FISA Worlds (Sarasota, Florida). The camp is open to all ages and skill levels, aimed at helping competitors do their best whether it is their first race or they are seasoned veterans. Elite rowers are encouraged, but the camp is not “elitist”. The main qualifications are coachability and a passionate desire to be one’s best. LBRA members have priority until March 15.
Format: This camp will run Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with sessions devoted to single sculls, team sculling, and sweep boats. Participation is limited, to give a small number of individuals extensive quality time. Lineups will be fixed and will ideally reflect the full crew as it intends to compete. Emphasis is on technical competency and efficient form. Videography will be extensively used and closely critiqued. Breakfast and lunch provided.
Cost: $150 (1x) – 3 sessions, maximum 4 scullers
$250 (2x/4x) – 6 sessions, maximum 8 scullers
$250 (4+/8+) – 6 sessions, maximum 16 rowers
How to Join: See Rob Glidden, Sherri Kline, or Sarah Mackenzie to apply. Acceptance is based on merit, as judged by Linda and with input from LBRA coaches. Timely application is also a factor.
About Linda:
As a Competitor
- Three‐time World Champion
- 18‐time National Champion
- Nine‐year US National Team member
- 12‐time winner of Head of the Charles
- 2‐time CRASH‐B World Indoor Rowing Champion
As a Coach
- Distinguished, highly successful coaching record at Cornell University (Men’s Lightweights, 3 years), Harvard University(Men’s Lightweights, 13 years), and Dartmouth (Women’s Head Coach, 3 years)
- Personal coach of Andrew Campbell, US champion single sculler
In the Sport
- Board of Directors of USRowing, including High Performance Committee (2001‐2008)
- Past President and Director, CRASH‐B Sprints (2006‐2013)
- Past President and Director, Cambridge Boat Club
- Bachelors Degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, MIT (1986)
- Masters Degree in Education, Harvard University (1997)
- R&D engineer at Composite Engineering, Inc. (manufacturer of Van Dusen Racing Shells)
For more information: https://www.rocketsciencerowing.com
LBRA Board Meeting – Wednesday Mar 14 at 7:30pm
At the meeting, the following topics will be considered:
1. Spring Regatta Post-Mortem. We will go through revenue, expenses, and lessons learned from the Spring Regatta. Operational topics involve how our launches are equipped in support of race needs and how we mark the course for greatest safety. The regatta made a small but comfortable profit as a result of its 60% growth over last year. Unsolicited feedback from coaches and competitors was universally enthusiastic. This is seen as our most welcoming, best organized, and smoothest running regatta in recent memory, with the five hours of 2000-meter events noted in particular. The referees did a fabulous job in running on time, with no safety incidents. Also regularly mentioned is the improvement in bow number procedures, timely heat sheet and results posting, and the coffee truck. Everyone wants the regatta to continue and thrive.
2. Dues Adjustments. Special cases involving relocations and injuries have resulted in requests for dues forgiveness. We will cover the cases and compare with precedent.
3. Southwest Regionals Status. Rob will preview the contract we proposed, which is with USRowing for a decision.
4. 10N Status. The city is requiring certain building code legalization steps be taken, none onerous. A plan of action will be discussed. Meanwhile, the temporary use of 8N for storage will cease soon as its demolition begins on March 26 as part of a neighborhood beautification project. The footprint will be converted to landscaping but the Marine Stadium sign will remain. It will be necessary for us to obtain portable temporary storage until 10N is cleared for re-occupancy.
5. Sublessee Billings. We will review the state of accounts for our co-tenants CSULB and LBJC. Accounts Receivable for rent and pro-rated maintenance costs will be covered.
6. Learn to Row Day. We will consider dates for the open house, a plan for summer camps, and a budget. The national LTR Day is Saturday, June 2.
Beach Sprints Feb 3rd
This years Beach Sprints included 192 entries from 15 different clubs. The 2,000 meter race on Concept 2 machines is one of twenty “satellite” regattas held across the United States. This year we had four athletes that met the time standards to qualify for the Worlds.
Winners can earn free airfare to the World Rowing Indoor Championships in Alexandria, VA on February 17-18, 2018. If more than four people qualify, selection will be given to the four individuals that beat the qualifying standard by the most time.
LBRA/JL Online Team Store Info
The 2018 LBRA / JL Racing Online Team Store is no longer open, however you can order your uniform as an individual from JL Racing. For individual orders, pricing and shipping will not include a club discount. There is information on these sites to help you place your order.
Orders from each store cannot be combined, and it is recommended to fully complete each transaction before changing links. Please keep only one link open on your browser at a time.
Note: CUSTOM ORDERS CANNOT BE RETURNED OR REFUNDED. It is important that you check the sizing tab within the team store to help you determine your correct size. Answers to common questions can be found on our FAQ page. Team Store FAQ’s.
Please contact:
MaryKatherine Kuner
LBRA Membership
Team Store Contact
Erg cleaning Volunteers
This is the time of year when A.C. starts to clean all of the ergs in preparation for the Beach Sprints. If you’re interested in helping him, especially during the weekdays, please contact him. It’s a great way to get your volunteer hours in on your schedule and it keeps our ergs in almost factory condition.
Bay Series 2 – Holiday Spirit
And the Results are in!!
…. another successful Bay Series for Long Beach Rowing Association.
Congratulations to all the competitors and thank you to all of the volunteers!