Bill Bater

Board Member at Large

I have been affiliated with LBRA since the early 1980s. During this time I have rowed at the elite level and  master’s level.   I have coached juniors, intermediate, pre-elite and elite rowers, many of whom have  been home-grown athletes. Like many clubs with a long and glorious history I have seen LBRA experience its own cyclical seasons in the areas of growth, competitiveness and future visions. In reading our By-Laws, specifically, ARTICLE II – Section 2 dealing with specific purposes we seem to be falling short of meeting those some of these specific purposes (crews/oarsmen/women of college and high school age, and competitors at the regional, national and international levels. As I look at the current composition of LBRA I see a strong master’s program and master’s recreational program, which is good and needed as they provide the nucleus of a successful rowing club. However, I also see a huge gap on the competitive side. And I believe that if we are to continue to grow the club we need to address this gap. This is no easy fix and will need to be achieved through a step-by step approach requiring pragmatic decisions, sound financial stewardship and input and cooperation from the entire organization. Let’s put LBRA back on the rowing map again!


Bill Bater

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